Invention: Human 2.0 – Flexible Bones

December 8th, 2006

You’ve no doubt heard that sticks and stones may break your bones. Well, that’s only the tip of the iceberg. There must be literally dozens of other things that can break your bones. A crow bar, a rock, a car, anything heavy and hard falling out of the sky, you falling out of the sky. That’s all I can think of right now, but you get what I’m saying.

Bones would be a lot better if they weren’t gruesomely snapping in half all of the time. Imagine if your bones were still rigid and strong, but could bend under pressure without ever breaking. (As a kid did you ever soak a chicken leg-bone in vinegar for a few days?) Now, imagine falling out of maybe a 4 story window. No sweat with your Flexi-Bones. Imagine, you’re late for work – no time for the elevator – just jump out the window. Don’t like looking both ways before crossing the street? Who cares?

Of course, there’s a limit to the amount of deceleration your internal organs (including your tender brain) are able to take. I don’t know what those limits are, but if I were to guess I’d say you’re pressing your luck landing on your head from over 5 stories up. And the same rules for staying out from under the wheels of garbage trucks still apply.

5 Responses to “Invention: Human 2.0 – Flexible Bones”

  1. lora on December 21, 2006 12:32 pm

    “Bye, honey. Gotta go! Whhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!

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