App that listens all of the time, corrects you

April 30th, 2013

Phone app or computer program that eavesdrops on all of your conversations, and when it hears something like, “Napoleon invaded Russia in 1810.” the app jumps in, “Excuse me, but Napoleon invaded Russia in 1812.” And you’d be like, “Cool. Thanks, app.” In addition to factual corrections, the app would sense any time information is needed and jump in and tell you. You never have to ask it anything because it is always listening and anticipates when you need information.

To expand, the app/program could also use a webcam to keep an eye on you and what you’re doing at all times. For example, you could be on the way out the door, but can’t find your car keys. If you said, “Where the eff did I put my keys?” the app would know, because it saw where you set them down. “Next to the phone, Judy.” Even better, it would sense your body language and emotional state and already know you’re looking for your keys. Even better, it would read your mind. Even better, it would be a robot that could drive your car, and could drive to your work and do your job and you could stay home and wouldn’t need your car keys in the first place.