Jesus Week – Day 3

May 21st, 2007

Jesus Christ, the week flew by.

Here’s the last sketch of the Jesus painting you’re meant to figure out the true meaning of based on the sketches (see Jesus Week – Day 1 for details).

JHC – sketch 3

Jesus Sketch 3

Jesus Week – Day 2

May 20th, 2007

Sweet Jesus – it’s time for more Jesus sketches. Remember, you have to figure out exactly what this idea is about. Whoever figures it out first will get a prize. Technically, I figured it out already, so I get the prize. But, you should still give it a try.

Sketch 2 (I did this one)
(bonus sketch – pile of hungry heads)

Jesus Sketch 2 and hungry heads

Jesus Week – Day 1

May 19th, 2007

Welcome to Jesus week. As with everything else on this blog, Jesus week is all about me. Also, Jesus week is only 3 days long and includes a 2 day weekend.

I’ve created a new category called PAINTINGS. I’ve got an idea for a painting about Jesus. I’m not going to say what the idea actually is, but for the next 3 days I’m going to post a variety of sketches of the idea, and you’ll just have to figure it out.

Jesus painting – sketch 1 (original drawing by I don’t know who)

Jesus sketch 1